Encouraging parents and ministers who are discipling 10-14 year olds

Posts tagged “narrative sermon

Narrative Sermon

I am preaching this Sunday in BIG church for our pastor who will be traveling on a mission trip.

I am preparing a NARRATIVE sermon which is not my normal approach.

What is a NARRATIVE sermon? You can find that out here or there.

Typically, a NARRATIVE sermon is written from a first person point of view.  But in our Christmas Sermon Series, we are having monologues before the sermons, so it would be repetitive to do a first person account.  So I am going to borrow from the reflective and poetic heart of a NARRATIVE sermon without doing the first person viewpoint.

The best sermon I have ever heard preached was a NARRATIVE sermon and that is what helped me fall in love with the format.  E.K. Bailey did a narrative on Hosea that truly changed my life and opened my eyes to a whole new way of communication.

I will post a video and manuscript of the sermon soon so you can see how it goes…